Knoxville Based Web Design and Graphic Design Services

Invitation Design


designs as unique as you are

Amor Paloma Designs creates custom invitation designs based on your personality and unique style. Designs are one-of-a-kind and NEVER recycled to other clients or to sites like Shutterfly and Minted.

You are a big part of the design process here. Based on your vision, I will create 3 options for you to choose from. Edits can be made up until the day we send it off to the printers for production! If time allows, I will first send you a physical proof of the design. Otherwise, I will send over a digital option to be approved. 

Quality paper and personalized designs will set your invitations or announcements apart and stand alone as a work of art.

Are you ready to create something that will be unmistakably you? Fill out this questionnaire and I will message you within 24 hours with a quote and the next steps!


When you choose custom designs, you are choosing to support a local business owner. thank you!

photos by Jessica Lee Photographic Art and Cassandra O'Donnell Photography